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The BEST of the FEST package is now open for Oktoberfest 2024! The package includes swag, food, drink, access to a reserved seating area, and more, is the best way to experience all of the highlights of Oktoberfest. BEST of the FEST packages are limited, click here to book yours today!

All proceeds from this package support Denver Kickers programming and initiatives.

Planning is well underway for this year’s Oktoberfest, and we need your help! Please consider signing up for a shift at the event – volunteers are needed in food and drink service, ticket taking, booth management, set-up, strike, and many other roles! View all the opportunities using this link, and for your service, you’ll be provided with tickets toward a FREE meal from the Denver Kickers tent and a free beverage!

For Oktoberfest this year, we are adding some games of chance to the daily events as a way to raise money for youth soccer scholarships. Our good friends at New Terrain have loaned us their giant Plinko board – every player wins a prize! Prizes include Oktoberfest swag, steins, gift cards to local restaurants and businesses, tickets to Colorado Rapids and Denver Broncos games, private training sessions with Denver Kickers coaches, and much more!

We are still looking to add more prizes leading up to the event. If you are affiliated with a local business and would like to contribute something to our prize selection (tickets, gift cards, admission discounts, free services, etc.) please reach out to admin@denverkickers.com. We’d be more than happy to sing your praises on social media and at the event. The event draws about 1,000 people over the course of the weekend, so it’s a great way to have an impact on the Golden community. You can find out more at denverkickersoktoberfest.com.

One other fun addition to the event this year will be a dunking booth! Come by and watch your favorite coach get dunked, or better yet, buy a ticket and do it yourself!

We also have event sponsorship opportunities, or vendor booth availability. Sponsorships start at $500 for the weekend, and vendors can choose a one-day booth or stay for all 3 days. Visit our event website. for more details!